For being in a place where time almost comes to a standstill, where a
single day can feel like an eternity, I'm wondering where time has gone.
It's been two weeks since we got to Africa and while I'm aware that
we've managed to get a lot done, it feels like we have so much more to
do, but so little time. Only two weeks left to complete a long list of
projects and run camp for the kids!
The first week of camp went by successfully. We're taking turns
teaching bible stories and my turn comes up on Tuesday, Jonah and the
Whale. We also have crafts activities, teamwork activities, and mental
activities. The children seem to have enjoyed them all and it warms the
heart to see them absorb all the new information they're getting
through these various activities, laughing, playing, and just being
kids. We're all growing quite fond of them and dread the day we'll have
to leave them but hope we're leaving them with more than what they had
when we first got here.
Projects we're doing and need to do:
1. Pavilion for shade (our first attempt was unsuccessful but pray that our second try succeeds!)
2. Benches (3 down, 3 to go. Hand sawing each piece is tedious and time consuming!)
3. Kitchen table/shelves (so the cooks will not have to bend over and cook off the floor)
4. Rabbit coop (they want to expand the number of rabbits they have so
they can have meat and sell some as well, so we will build them another
coop in addition to the one they have)
5. Bookshelves
6. Clothes lines (Done! As you may recall, they were hanging their
clothes off the barbed wire fence...hence the many holes in their
clothes and the hours Alexa and I spent sewing them up)
We have many more projects- but I can't recall them all. Will post more as I go!
We spent the weekend in Mombasa by the Indian Ocean. We were all
getting burnt out and needed a break to catch our breath and recharge
for the last two weeks of camp and projects (plus another 4 weeks in
Uganda for me, Javier, Alex, Alexa, and Dallas). I must admit that the
highlight of my weekend was having running water for a shower instead of
bathing out of a large bowl at LDO. But I wish the children could have
that luxury as well. Perhaps one day they can. Together we can make
that happen.
God Bless and much love to my family, friends, and wonderful supporters!
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