The Mission

Hello Friends and Family,

There are approximately 5 million orphans (deaf/hearing) just in Kenya and Uganda combined. A good number of those orphans are deaf due to many different kinds of illnesses that result in high fevers combined with a lack of good medicine. Living conditions for deaf children in Africa are often dismal as they’re thought to be worthless and nonproductive members of society. Deaf children and adults are frequently targeted by their own people and killed or badly injured because their people believe them to be touched by evil and cursed. Deaf Africans very rarely have access to deaf schools, so any hope of getting an education and a job is usually next to none. When they do get into an institution for deaf children, it’s usually because their families have abandoned them. The deaf schools are usually understaffed and severely lacking in resources. On a human level, the needs of the deaf people in Africa are indeed overwhelming!

Yet, in the midst of such dire circumstances, there are various institutions and orphanages that offer a safe haven for the deaf children in Africa. Lance’s Deaf Orphans (LDO) in Kenya and the Boanerges Deaf Initiative (BDI) in Uganda are two examples. Operation Deaf Orphans (ODO), a non-profit organization founded and run by Alex and Alexa Abenchuchan, has formed a mission team, of which I am a part of, to go work with both LDO and BDI this summer from June 1st to July 31st. The team will be staying for one month at each institution, a total of two months in Africa.

We face several challenges as a mission team. The first is to know exactly how we can contribute in a meaningful way to both LDO and BDI without forming an unhealthy dependency, which has often characterized work in Africa in the past. The second is to discover ways to encourage the children and adults we meet in the ways of the Lord and to help strengthen them as deaf people, to show them that being deaf isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The third is to be role models to the children and at the same time honoring their beautiful culture and language.

LDO and BDI may offer a safe haven for the deaf children in Kenya and Uganda, but there is only so much they can do as far as funding, resources, and staff/teachers for the children. They would love to be able to expand and take in more deaf children, but are unable to due to a lack of funding. For one example, BDI has nearly 100 children and only one teacher.

The first thing we will do once we arrive at each of our destinations is observe the institutions and adjust our plans and goals to whatever best fits the needs of the children. Our “rough draft” for plans and goals are:

1.  Run two three-week long summer camps, one in Kenya and another in Uganda. The camps will include us teaching the children Bible stories, developing their mental skills, team building activities, arts and crafts, and other fun activities.

2.  Attend the KDPL (Kenya Deaf Prayer and Leadership) conference, which is expected to draw over 300 Kenya and Uganda adults. We will use that weekend to build our African network and to survey the situation of the deaf orphans with the conference attendees.

3.  Survey the needs of the school and orphanages that we will be visiting and help the ministries meet immediate needs with funds that we will be bringing.

4.  Act as role models and “Big Brothers/Sisters” to those children. Also, to show them that Deaf people can be successful in anything that they set out to be.

5.  Teach and encourage them in the ways of the Lord and teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

But I need your help in order to serve on this mission. The vital foundation for my service overseas is a solid support team to uphold this mission in prayer and financial support. Please pray for wisdom in navigating a very different culture, for my time of preparation, and for our financial need for this trip.

To be a part of this dynamic mission, I need to raise between $4,000 and $5,000. This monetary support will cover my airfare (half the cost!), room and board, and transportation within both Kenya and Uganda for two months. My personal goal is to be as frugal as I can, so any money left over from my funds will go towards whatever needs the institutions has.

Would you consider joining me in this mission through your financial support? I am asking for your help in spreading the word of this trip and the need for donations. Every penny spared is appreciated; no donation is too small.

Thank you for your support in this worthy cause. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Remember, you’re helping us make a difference in a group of deaf children’s lives, so please donate!

God Bless,
Kat Roberts

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