Thursday, May 17, 2012


Ladies and Gents!

I've reached the three-quarters mark for my fundraising goal, Praise the Lord!  I want to express my deepest gratitude to those who have donated.  You know who you are...if you all of sudden feel invisible arms wrapping around your calves in a tight embrace, know that it's from me.  Don't be scared.  Embrace it.

I'm still asking for donations towards my traveling and living expenses while in Kenya and Uganda, however, we're also asking for donations of the following items:

Clothes for boys/girls, ages 3-16
Coloring pencils
Knitting needles
Sewing needles
Fabric (scrap)
Paint (water based)
If you think kids will like it, donate! :)

If you wish, you can donate money to go to the purchase of any of the above items.  Just leave specific instructions when you donate and I'll follow them to a 'T'.

As always, I ask for your prayers for all those involved in this mission trip and the children too.

God Bless!

P.S. - Apologies for posting twice in a row - opportunities for internet access are few and far in between for us whenever we're in Northwest Florida, so I'm taking advantage of the free WiFi and deliciousfruityblended drinks at Mango Marley's of Mexico Beach. 

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