Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dear Reader,

I'm in Clarksville, Tennessee right now, ready to pass out after a long day on the road.  My husband and I left Provo on Friday to go and visit my family in Florida before I leave the good ol' U.S. of A. for Africa and my husband for Switzerland.

On Saturday, we stopped by the Deaf Missions headquarters to meet the other mission team members.  I know Alex and Alexa Abenchuchan, but I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting the other team members.  One thing I can say after meeting them is that our trip to Africa will be so, so rock-ing-ly awesome.  These are some very cool cats and I have a very good feeling we're going to be able to really do A LOT of good for those kids at Lance's Deaf Orphans and Boanerges Deaf Initiative.

Whatever anxiety (a tiny, tiny bit) I had about the mission team is gone now and I'm thanking God more than ever for leading us all down this path.  I'd be doing headstands and somersaults right now if there wasn't a 99.9999% chance of me breaking a limb or more likely, my neck.  That's how excited I am about this opportunity that God has opened up for all of us, especially for those children at LDO and BDI! 

Please join me in praying for more donations for this trip.  Thanks to God and the wonderful generosity of my friends and family, I've nearly paid off my plane ticket to Africa!  Now all that's needed are funds for food, room, supplies, and transportation within Kenya and Uganda.

Please continue to share this with your friends, family, coworkers, your accountant, random strangers you pass in the supermarket, anyone!  Remember that no donation is too small (or too large).  :)

Also needed are prayers for the children at BDI and LDO and for the mission team, we never can get enough prayers!

God Bless,

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